

We provide several key components that will assist you throughout  your career. We have simple plans of resume reconstruction all the way up to your own personal job coach to help you navigate job searching, opportunities and job offer negotiations. 

From the price of an online music service or Netflix, you can have the benefits of a team working with you on your future.

"We have different programs because people have different needs."

Please take a look at some of the programs we have below but also keep in mind we can customize one for you as well.

Please see which program is best for you. We also customize.
We also offer a split payment / monthly setup.


We professionally reconstruct your resume industry specific. Our experience working with HRs and hiring managers is the difference. 


We professionally reconstruct your resume industry specific, cover letter template as well. We provide multiple job interview coaching sessions.


Resume reconstruction, with cover letter template, LinkedIn profile optimzation. Resume Distribution. Job coaching and interview prep counseling sessions.

Senior Level

Package includes; resume resconstruction, SEO coverage, industry targeted resume distribution, job interview prep and counseling - please contact for more details.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

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